Shadow theatre "Green Riding Hood"

Od kilku dni grupa uczniów wyjeżdżających do Portugalii realizuje  zadanie przygotowania  teatrzyku cieni na temat ochrony przyrody. Scenariusz napisany przez nauczyciela języka angielskiego, panią Kasię wszystkim bardzo się spodobał i od razu wzięliśmy się do pracy. Jak widać na załączonych zdjęciach, to ciekawe zadanie wprawia wszystkich w dobry humor. Jesteśmy pewni, że nasz teatrzyk nie tylko zaciekawi odbiorców ale  także zachęci ich do dbania o przyrodę i rozśmieszy.

The script                                         Green Riding Hood                written by K. Dźwigał

Wszyscy:     We are Eco Freak and friends of the Earth!
                     Save the planet with us!
                     That’s small step for our Life!

                                               Let’s listen to the story about a little girl.
                                               She loves nature and animals. And the Earth loves her!
‘Green Riding Hood’

Scene 1
It’s hot and sunny. Green Riding Hood is walking and singing on the way.
/Piosenka……. Mother Earth ……../
Suddenly a little bird is crying.

GR:Hello little bird. How are you today?
Bird: I’m sad
GH: Why?
Bird: Look around. Lots of litter everywhere! I can’t sing and fly.
          Green Riding Hood HELP!!! Save our forest. Maybe it’s not too late.
GH: Don’t worry my friend. I need your help!
        Our forest will be tidy because we are Eco Friends!

Green Riding Hood and a bird are starting to clean the forest all day.
Scene 3
Later a little rabbit is coming here.
Rabbit: Hello Green Riding Hood. I’m so scared!
GH: What’s the matter?
Rabbit: The Grey Wolf with his friends have a party every day. We can’t sleep!
              They drop litter and pick plants.
              They start fires and make a noise at night
              We are tired and afraid of them!
GH:Oh know! Horrible news!
Rabbit: We need your help!
GH: We are friends of the Earth so we STOP  them!
Rabbit and Bird: Hooray! Hooray!
GH:Don’t worry my friends. I’ve got an idea! LOOK!
Rabbit and bird: Wow! You are a bear! FANTASTIC COSTUME YOU HAVE!
GH: Yes, they are scared of bears

Scene 3
The wolves are having fun, screaming and dancing all night.
Wolves : Wow Wow Yeo Yeo …….. /odgłosy wilki tańczą/

Suddenly a bear is coming
Bear: I’m angry bear! What’s a noise?
Wolves: Oh dear! It’s a bear! What big teeth? We are scared!
Bear: You aren’t Eco Friends. Take your litter and go away!
Wolves: Help!
GH, bird, rabbit: Hooray, Hooray! The wolves are running away!!!We save our forest!
                               We are brave!
Piosenka: ….Mother Earth :)
                                                         The End



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